Zeafruit staff proactively provides grower support to ensure they have up to date quality technical information. We make this investment in our Growers to ensure the risk in their orchard investment is minimized. The focus is sustainability, using knowledge that emphasizes maximum yield and quality, which is practical and cost effective, to achieve profit. We embrace codes of practice that lead to the distribution of safe food products, protection of the environment and the consumer, Benefit to Growers and all partners in the supply chain is the cornerstone of Zeafruit’s operating philosophy.
Juan Ferrere heads our front line technical service. Based in Gisborne, Juan has 25 years hands-on and academic backed experience in the industry. His particular focus and specialty is citrus and leads our Zeafruit National Technical Team.
ON CALL ORCHARD VISITS ‘You call, we come, we fix’ – no charge.
- Comprehensive NZGap support – no charge & cash incentives
- IFP management – no charge & cash incentives
- Technical bulletins. – no charge
- Crop risk alerts – no charge
- Pest & Disease Manuals – no charge
- Field days – no charge
- Telephone, Fax and email links – no charge
- Best practice guidelines – no charge
- Maturity testing – no charge
- Weekly Technical & Market updates – no charge
Research and Development is an important strategic element in creating a more profitable industry and provides the basis for good advice. Zeafruit actively supports NZCGI and expect our suppliers to be members. As a supplier to Zeafruit you will have levies deducted from your sales proceeds and forwarded on to NZCGI for R&D investment.
To contact someone from our technical team please click here.